Très satisfait10 avis
  • ≤2h
    Temps de réponse moyen
  • 100.0%
    Taux de livraison dans les délais
  • US $30,000+
    {0} commandes
Personnalisation minimale
Personnalisation à partir de modèles
TUV mark
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par Intertek
Un service de personnalisation pour les commandes à faible MOQ
Commande minimale la plus faible : 300 (expédition en 15 jours)
1 catégories disponibles
47 produits disponibles
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Avis sur l’entreprise (10)
5.0 /5
Très satisfait
  • Fournisseur Service
  • Expédition ponctuelle
  • Produit Qualité
We have been working with Suzhou Blossom Group for just under 4 years now. The team in this business are AMAZING! No problem is too big, they are very, very helpful and the product is great. In 4 years, we've only ever had rare, very minor issues which speaks to their quality control processes. A special mention to Annie Liu who has been our partner at Suzhou during this time, and she has always been a superstar. She is extremely knowledgable about everything ecommerce and is always happy to help get your order perfect. Without Annie, we wouldn't be here today, so thank you Annie and thank you team Suzhou.

Réponse du fournisseur :

Thanks for your always support and trust,Dylan! We have the same directions and common belief to offer our high quality service to our customers,Let's do our best to meet their demand and move forward!
11 Oct 2023
Both products are of high standard and quality. Annie is always very helpful and quick to respond. Will continue to work with this supplier
    Voir tous les avis
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